What can I do with my tractor while I am at your show?
Participate in the field demonstrations, we’re always looking for tractors to work any of our field demonstrations. Come out and give us a hand.
Threshing and Baling, got a belt pulley and would like to hook up to an old threshing machine, shredder, or baler. They’re located in the same general area as the farm demonstrations.
For the field demonstrations and threshing / baling, make sure to talk to the guys running those events well before the event (an hour or more is better) to make arrangements. It can take a little time to get you oriented to the task at hand, get your tractor hooked up to the right equipment, etc. First come first serve but if there is anyway we can reasonably get you out there working, we will.
Tractor games - Enter yourself and your tractor into the tractor games. Things like the slow race and the barrel roll only take a little bit a skill … and some luck.
Braggin’ Rights Tractor Pull - ever want to hitch your tractor to a sled just to see what it can do? Want to see what it’s like participating in a tractor pull? This is your opportunity, there’s no trophy’s, no winner circle, just “braggin’ rights”. Bring a buddy and see whose tractor pulls farthest. You never know, there might even be a single tree hitch pull, that takes skill and the ability to work well with a partner on another tractor.
Power Parade - Join the fun as we parade tractors and equipment past the grandstand, just to show off.
Antique Tractor Pull - This is a real pull, with prizes and trophy’s. There’s farm classes so you don’t have to have a “pulling tractor” to participate. But if you do have an antique pulling tractor and it fits into one (or more) classes, bring it on.